Thursday, April 30, 2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

It's about 15 minutes till the Witching Hour, and fans are gathering to view the new X-Men Origins: Wolverine flick. Sadly, I, Tombstone am not among the throngs of geeks lining up to get there great seats...I will have to wait until tomorrow afternoon. Then you will get a review here on the blog...In the meantime...don't tell me what happens!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Frankie Manning

Hey kids,
Tombie here...
Today swing dance legend and innovator Frankie Manning passed away. Frankie was one of the first lindy-hoppers, and is credited with performing the first aerial. Frankie's biography Frankie Manning: Ambassador of Lindy Hop was released in 2007.
Frankie was a featured dancer in Whitey's lindy hoppers, and played a role as one of their chief choreographers. One of the most well known swing dance clips ever is found in the movie Hellzapoppin. This is a must see clip for anyone who plans on attending any swing dance more than one time...hell it is a must see clip for everyone. Frankie also had the priviledge of performing with many of the jazz greats, including Duke Ellington, Ethel Waters, Cab Calloway, Count Basie and Ella Fitzgerald. If you would like a more complete bio, click on the title of this blog...
Personally, I have listened to, and will listen to Shiny Stockings a few times in tribute to Frankie. He once told me it is his favorite song. It was always amazing to go to Frankie's workshops or listen to him speak. He was going to be 95 in May and he was still going! Dancers from around the world are filming their version of the Shim Sham ( a swing line dance) for his birthday, as well as the worldwide birthday bash that was being planned. Dancers aren't going to stop dancing because he has passed. Tonight, and every other night, dancers are going to "swing out" for Frankie!

You are all weirdos!

Hey kids,
Tombie here...
It's past midnight again and I still can't seem to get to bed. Something strange always seems to happen to people after midnight. Sometimes people get frightened easily. Other times people just lie in bed hoping to fall asleep. At other times you start laughing uncontrollably. I, my friends am laughing uncontrollably. This is the reason why...
Fans of the show have often said that Zach and I are...unique, or somehow addictive. If you want to know what people really think, click on the the title of this blog (it's actually a link to a very concise and appropriate telling of what Zach and I are about).
So what does that have to do with my uncontrollable laugher? Well, being the old man of our dynamic duo, I was browsing youtube for one of my favorite shows growing up. That is when I came across this video clip of a great character named Sam. I must say that like Sam, Zach and I might not know why we are here...because everytime I try and write a letter about how disgusting certain shows are on television these days, someone starts singing Tombstone's song.
Well, maybe it's just me singing Dylan's Tombstone Blues in my head, but a guy can pretend at midnight right? Especially for a laugh?
Hopefully one day I can just buy Bob Dylan and he can follow me around playing my theme music all day long...if not, I think I will enjoy my midnight laughs...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Weekend Update

Hey kids,
Tombie here-just wanted to say that the week before finals was quite stressful. I really haven't slept much in the last month and with finals week coming up I am looking forward to kicking off summer movie madness with a bang. So...Zach and I decided to rent a flick instead of visiting the theaters. We decided on Hamlet 2. Don't ask me how we came to a unanimous decision on this, but somehow we did.
After viewing this film I now have a firm belief that Zach and I are the only people in the universe to have seen this film. After you my dear readers have read this blog, I am satisfied that Zach and I will remain the only two people in the universe to have viewed this film....

Good News!

Well, the podcast has been really well. Now we have more good news. Our show is now on Itunes! That's right. That means that you can get our show directly from the podcast section of the the Itunes store! So make sure that you download our latest episode

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Susan Boyle

Hey Kiddies,
Tombie here...
With finals coming I must say that I haven't spent as much time being the media junky you all know I can be. So I was quite surprised to find myself clicking on a link to watch Susan Boyle's performance on the Brit tv show Britain's Got Talent. Not usually prone to watching (or caring) for reality shows or overnight sensations, I admit that I was immediately enthralled. Can I say that its the American in me?
Let me clarify that last statement. You see, we Americans love the underdog! We love the come from behind wins from the people who are viewed as the little guy. Maybe its because we were the little guys once. You know, the ones who wrote the two kickinest' pieces of paper in the world? That's right, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution! The ones who put it to Britain and said "get out of our house!"
As an American I can say that I love the underdog. I loved watching Susan Boyle wipe the dirty little smirks off the faces of all the unbelievers. It was fun. (o.k. o.k. You got me, it helped that it was the Brits, especially with how much those Euros love us Americans these days it was nice to see that they were the ones looking like proverbial donkeys out there!) The funny thing about this whole little rant is that this lady has talent. Case closed. If you don't believe, click on the link, or search the web and take a listen for yourself.
Last but not least. Simon, I know that you made the point that Susan still has to win (on the show). Yes that's true from a technical stand point. Funny thing is you already made her career, whether she takes the win on the show or not. Maybe you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.
Hurray for the underdogs!
Talk at you guys soon!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

First Episode is up!

Our first podcast episode is up! This episode is from March 24th, 2009. This show features special guests Sue Rowe, Kathleen Mason (aka Katmandu from KWCR), and Joseph Batzel from Salt Aire Films!

This is the first time posting, so if anything doesn't work, let us know. I will be adding several other episode tonight! Let us know what you think.

Send us an e-mail at

And just in case it doesn't update right, here is the address

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Finally found a host!

Alright, now for the moment you've all been waiting for. We've finally found a host for a podcast of the show! We will be uploading and linking the last few shows tonight, and then have tonight's show on tomorrow. In the mean time, send us your comments on what you think of the show or add your comments. We may read your comments on the air!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hello World! Welcome!

It's been a long time coming folks. We've finally started a blog for Webertainment Weekly! Stay tuned for podcasts of our shows and other special articles....